CHEM C3000 (V 2.0)

Product Details
CHEM C3000 is the ultimate chemistry set. This kit includes all of the components from CHEM C2000, plus dozens of additional tools and chemicals and 100 additional experiments for a total of more than 333 experiments. The 192-page, full-color experiment manual is written at a more advanced level than the other CHEM kit manuals. You could call it a textbook, but the manual is too much fun to make that comparison. CHEM C3000 has a similar hands-on approach to teaching chemistry as our other CHEM kits, but also teaches more advanced topics such as chemical equations, atomic structures and the periodic table. These concepts are critical to continued study of chemistry. CHEM C3000 is an excellent preparation for high-school level chemistry.
CHEM C3000 covers all of these topics and more.
• Introduction to chemistry
• Safety information
• Setting up your workspace
• Acids and bases
• Salts and solutions
• Elements and compounds
• Solids, liquids and gases
• Combustion
• Air and air pressure
• Air pollution and our environment
• Metals, oxidation and rust
• Atoms and molecules
• History of chemistry
• Crystal lattices
• Chemical formulas
• Ubiquitous elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, water, solutions and saturation
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Atomic bonds
• Orbitals and shells
• Chlorine, hydrochloric acid, bromine & iodine
• Families of elements
• The periodic table
• Sulfur, carbon dioxide, mineral deposits
• Baking soda & powder
• Ammonia
• Crystals & solutions
• Chemical indicators, separating mixtures, chromatography
• Electron transfer, electrolysis, electrochemistry
• Carbon, fossil fuels, alcohol, soils
• Soaps & detergents
• Sugars & starches
• Monomers & polymers
• Proteins and waste disposal.
• 333 Activities
•9-volt battery required
CHEM C3000 is the ultimate chemistry set. This kit includes all of the components from CHEM C2000, plus dozens of additional tools and chemicals and 100 additional experiments for a total of more than 333 experiments. The 192-page, full-color experiment manual is written at a more advanced level than the other CHEM kit manuals. You could call it a textbook, but the manual is too much fun to make that comparison. CHEM C3000 has a similar hands-on approach to teaching chemistry as our other CHEM kits, but also teaches more advanced topics such as chemical equations, atomic structures and the periodic table. These concepts are critical to continued study of chemistry. CHEM C3000 is an excellent preparation for high-school level chemistry.
CHEM C3000 covers all of these topics and more.
• Introduction to chemistry
• Safety information
• Setting up your workspace
• Acids and bases
• Salts and solutions
• Elements and compounds
• Solids, liquids and gases
• Combustion
• Air and air pressure
• Air pollution and our environment
• Metals, oxidation and rust
• Atoms and molecules
• History of chemistry
• Crystal lattices
• Chemical formulas
• Ubiquitous elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, water, solutions and saturation
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Atomic bonds
• Orbitals and shells
• Chlorine, hydrochloric acid, bromine & iodine
• Families of elements
• The periodic table
• Sulfur, carbon dioxide, mineral deposits
• Baking soda & powder
• Ammonia
• Crystals & solutions
• Chemical indicators, separating mixtures, chromatography
• Electron transfer, electrolysis, electrochemistry
• Carbon, fossil fuels, alcohol, soils
• Soaps & detergents
• Sugars & starches
• Monomers & polymers
• Proteins and waste disposal.
• 333 Activities
•9-volt battery required
"Best Overall Chemistry Set" from The Wall Street Journal
Age Recommendation: 12 - 99 years old