Fledglings' Flight Premium Gift Membership

Product Details
Give peace of mind to a parent that you love.
The Fledglings' Flight app provides knowledge, guidance, and tools to help parents guide their child's developmental progress through play with therapeutic exercises for children 0-3 years old designed by professionals that specialize in fine motor skills, mobility, mental growth, emotions, sensory, speech, and vision. We did the research so parents have resources & exercises at their fingertips featuring 4000+ play-based exercises and 1000+ article library.
The Fledglings' Flight app provides knowledge, guidance, and tools to help parents guide their child's developmental progress through play with therapeutic exercises for children 0-3 years old designed by professionals that specialize in fine motor skills, mobility, mental growth, emotions, sensory, speech, and vision. We did the research so parents have resources & exercises at their fingertips featuring 4000+ play-based exercises and 1000+ article library.
Basic Membership adds milestone tracking the wealth of knowledge provided by Fledglings' Flight. Information reported will be used through machine learning to create a developmental profile for the child which will indicate if they are developmentally delayed, on-track, advanced, or asynchronous. Basic Membership is $24 for a year.
Premium Members have access to the daily exercises, milestone tracking, as well as receive a monthly a “toolbox” that is complete with all of the supplies needed to do the exercises, as well as a selection of our skills-based toys sourced from 42 countries that will be tailored their child’s unique developmental profile and will help with developmental lags or keep advanced children challenged. They will receive a monthly questionnaire to provide feedback on their child’s experience with the toys provided.
Premium Membership is $60 per month. Shipping is included. Choose from 3, 6, and 12 month memberships. You will be billed monthly.
Premium Membership is $60 per month. Shipping is included. Choose from 3, 6, and 12 month memberships. You will be billed monthly.
3 Month Membership = $180
6 Months Membership = $360
1 Year Membership = $720
Find out more about Fledglings' Flight.