
Product Details
Regaliceratops, whose name translates to "Royal Horned Face," earned its regal title thanks to the crown-like plates decorating the edges of its frill. This unique horned dinosaur roamed the landscapes of what is now Alberta, Canada, during the late Cretaceous Period around 68 million years ago.
- Scientific Name: Regaliceratops peterhewsi
- History: In 2005, geologist Peter Hews discovered the skull of Regaliceratops along a river in Alberta, Canada. However, it wasn’t officially named and described until 2015. Today, the nearly complete (but slightly misshapen) skull is housed at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, where its distinctive, crown-like frill can still be seen in remarkable detail.
- Characteristics: Regaliceratops probably had a body shape much like its ceratopsian relatives, with sturdy front legs, longer hind legs, and a short tail. Its head stood out with a small nose horn, short brow horns, a curved beak, and its signature frill lined with plate-like edges. All these unique traits are carefully recreated on this expertly crafted and hand-painted Regaliceratops toy figure.
Size: 6.69 x 2.24 x 2.76 inches
Non-toxic and BPA free