Wildflower Seed Bombs


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Wildflower Seed Bombs

Product Details

Help save the bees with these throw and grow native seed bombs!

Everyone loves flowers especially pollinators. Bees are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. They provide one of the most recognisable ecosystem services, pollination, which is what makes food production possible. The vast majority of plant species, almost 90%, in fact rely on pollinators to reproduce. This means bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat.

You can help feed the bees when you sew these wildflower seeds beloved by bees. Each 1-inch ball includes a variety of 28 types of bee-loving wildflowers seeds. To plant, toss seed balls 3-6 inches apart in a sunny area over the soil. Keep the soil damp until some of the seeds sprout, Then water regularly until established. Not all seeds will grow at the same time. Some seeds need weather cues from mother nature, such as winter and the day length. So be on the lookout for new seedlings and flowers all year long. This helps ensure there are food sources for bees and pollinators all season long.

Use them with Felt Planters to grow wildflowers inside or out.

Includes seeds from the following flowers:
  • Bluebonnet
  • Cutleaf Daisy
  • Indian Blanket
  • American Basketflower
  • Lanceleaf Coreopsis
  • Purple Praire Clover
  • Purple Coneflower
  • Annual Winecup
  • White Praire Clover
  • Foxglove
  • Partridge Pea
  • Gayfeather
  • Lemon Mint
  • Goldenwave
  • Bush Sunflower
  • Illinois Bundle Flower
  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Tahoka Daisy
  • Butterflyweed
  • Frostweed
  • Prairie Verbena
  • Common Sunflower
  • Rattlesnake Master
  • Maximilian Sunflower
  • Rose Milkweed
  • Sleepy Daisy
  • Tall Goldenrod
  • Blue Mistflower
One 1-inch seed bomb = $.60

Made in United States